“Moving Past Surviving to Thriving”

WVASFAA Spring 2022 Virtual Conference
To attend the virtual conference sessions, you must be an active member for the 2021-2022 membership year. Registration is free for current 2021-2022 members. Registration for membership is available for non-members and renewal is available for current 2020-2021 members.
Zoom links will be made available prior to the start of the conference, and will be posted on this website.
NOTE: The Sector Meetings on April 7 require PRE-REGISTRATION so that people can be pre-assigned to the appropriate breakout room. Please pre-register by April 6 via the Sector Meetings registration link.
There will be a registration cost of $200.00 in addition to membership for Business Partners who would like to be sponsors; details are available on the Business Partner section of WVASFAA's website. Registration is now available for Business Partners.
If you have any questions about the Conference, please contact co-chairs Beth McSweeney (leslie.mcsweeney@pnc.com) or James Buchanan (james.buchanan1@mail.wvu.edu). We look forward to reconnecting with everyone during the Conference.
Remembrance of Neil Bolyard
A reminder to please join us on Thursday, 4/7/2022 at 10:15 AM when we will welcome Neil's family in a remembrance of him and his many contributions to the WV Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.
Spring 2022 Conference Schedule
Monday, March 21, 2022
- 4:00 PM-5:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Welcome, Alicia Frey-WV Northern Community College & WVASFAA President
Remembrance of Neil Bolyard, Ken Sears
MASFAA Update and Positioning Yourself on Campus, Heidi Carl-MASFAA President
Are you new to your campus or have been there a while, but feel like you need to take action to help financial aid have a voice in major campus decisions? Come learn more about yourself, how to partner with your boss and steps you can take to learn more about your campus too. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to position yourself and your financial aid team as an asset to your campus.
Speaker: Heidi Carl, MASFAA President
Join Dianne as she provides updates and advice on utilizing Banner. This session will permit you to share any best practices to assist your fellow Financial Aid Professionals to utilize Banner more effectively and efficiently. Bring your Banner questions.
Speaker: Dianne Sisler, WVNET
Create positive impressions by understanding the importance of customer service and improving skills to deal with difficult scenarios during this session designed to help deliver an exceptional customer experience.
Speaker: Patty Peterson, Citizens Bank
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Join this discussion to hear SAP experiences from a variety of school perspectives
Panelists: Terry Miller, West Virginia University
Timothy Marten, St. Johns School of Nursing
Alicia Frey, WV Northern Community College & WVASFAA President
This session will provide an overview of general student eligibility criteria broken into 3 categories: criteria checked via the application process, criteria checked and monitored by the school, and criteria not specifically checked, but must be resolved if conflicting information exists. We will review documentation requirements, database matches, and how certain educational programs affect student eligibility.
Speaker: Alicia Frey, WV Northern Community College &WVASFAA President
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
This session deals with modules, which are defined as courses in a program that does not span the entire length of the payment period or period of enrollment and how the courses impact Title IV Aid. We will discuss how modules impact disbursement of aid, return of funds and other aspects of modules.
Speakers: Aaron Staats & Heather Yoke, West Virginia University
Come prepared to share how your institution or office navigated during this time. This session will discuss the changes that WVU made to go from Pre-pandemic to Pandemic. We will also discuss how we were able to utilize our technology to train current and newly hired staff as well as how we are utilizing that technology as we move forward for our students and other constituents. Come prepared to share how your institution or office navigated during this time.
Speakers: George Yanchak & Tara Kurilchick, West Virginia University
With calls, emails, texts, letters, and tweets, you might wonder how students still miss your messages. Students are overstimulated and if you want your message to be heard, you have to think like a social media company. Here you will find the tools you need to engage your students on their terms and make your message heard.
Speaker: Kevin McNamara, Earnest
Thursday, March 31, 2022
As an FAA, you may hear these abbreviations in your office but may not understand the significance. Typically, maintaining institutional eligibility via the eApp/eCAR/PPA is reserved for senior FA staff. This session will provide you with an introduction to these documents as well as a review of the requirements and procedures for updating institutional eligibility so that it’s no longer a foreign concept.
Speaker: Carrie Short, Lorain County Community College
Join this discussion to hear Program Review experiences from a university and community college perspective.
Beverly Boggs, Marshall University
Cody Call, Marshall University
Alice Roberts, Marshall University
Mary Blizzard, WVHEPC
We continue our behavioral science dive with a new look at how to be happy – but also why being happy is not always the right response. At a time when we are all overwhelmed and maybe even burned out, the focus on finding happiness is more relevant than ever before. Yet, we may find ourselves chasing joy, only to have it quickly fade once we reach our goal. Why is that? Or, sometimes, you just want to feel down, and it seems like the whole world wants a parade. Why are we so afraid of sadness and how can a relentlessly sunny disposition actually be bad for you? In this one-hour session, we’ll address these ideas and how to find peace and balance through:
• Applying behavioral science theory to maximize happiness
• Learning to identify toxic positivity – and just say no!
Speaker: Matthew Nettleton, Inceptia
The pandemic has changed how we socially interact, but one thing remains the same - “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Think of all the people you have met in your professional life and consider that many of their recollections are still based on that first meeting. Possibly, that image is a firm handshake, a warm greeting, or prompt helpful email reply; conversely, imagine if they recall a noodle handshake, a brushoff or never receiving a response to their email. Today, we also must be mindful of online manners and Zoom etiquette.
This session will guide members through mannerly ways to engage with students, families (including your own), colleagues, and fellow conference attendees, both virtual and live. Topics will include but will not be limited to:
- Appropriate greetings: Handshake vs. elbow bumps? Hugs vs. waves?
- Proper introductions – How would I introduce Queen Elizabeth II to my sister-in-law…in-person and on Zoom?
- Dining etiquette
- Writing thank-you notes
- Rules for effective business/email/phone correspondence
- Polite conversation
Speaker: Cecilia Dwyer, CollegeAve
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Speaker: Brian Weingart, WVHEPC
Resolving Eligibility Issues for Citizens and Eligible Noncitizens will go over information on who is considered a U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-citizen, who confirms these statuses, C-Codes, specific documentation that can be used to confirm a student’s status, and third-step Verification.
Speakers: David Shoemaker & Corrine Ullom, West Virginia University
As our world and workplaces become increasingly diverse, we are all being presented with a multitude of opportunities. Opportunities to educate ourselves and others, build bridges across differences, and be more intentional about showing up inclusively and empathetically in the world. In this session, you will learn about the brain science behind bias and how it can be interrupted. You will also receive practical guidance and resources to strengthen your active listening skills and be better equipped to engage in courageous conversations. Join us as we learn how to be intentionally inclusive!
Speaker: Kia Silver-Hodge, Master Mine Consulting
Thursday, April 7, 2022
NOTE: The Sector Meetings require PRE-REGISTRATION so that people can be pre-assigned to the appropriate breakout room. Please pre-register by April 6 via the Sector Meetings registration link above.
- 4 year Public Colleges & Universities
- Community and Technical Colleges
- Private Colleges & Universities
- Clock Hours Schools & Colleges
- Associate & Auxiliary Members
Awards Recognition for individual, years of service, & retirement
Lake Tackett-Huntington Junior College & WVASFAA President 2019-2020
Nicole Solomon-West Virginia University & WVASFAA President 2020-2021
Alicia Frey-WV Northern Community College & WVASFAA President 2021-2022
Chester Priest-KHEAA
Speaker: Karen McCarthy, NASFAA
Members will be able to access the sessions during the allotted times with links on the website.